The dolls were goin' on road trips ~ workshops to see, artists to commune with and transformations to emerge through.
They needed a voice; the Travel Logs became a means of communicating their daunting experiences.
The Formationeers, too, had moments to share and procedural information to pass along.

  Click on The Essence Doll and each rotation to read their travel logs.
Anya  2nd   3rd

Oma Granny  2nd   3rd

Anaj  2nd   3rd

Jett Setter  2nd  3rd

Nameless  2nd   3rd

Grandpa Joe  2nd  3rd

Lee Ann Honeyman Nay - artist

All I can so say so far about my doll is:

Is it a she, or is it a He or possibly We?
Will you be the one to decide?
It says "Paint me, tattoo me, dress me, dye me, add to me,
just don't abuse me!".

I, too, am so excited to see what people will do to the doll. It is a soft sculpture body. I am so looking forward to working on others dolls as well, however with some trepidation. But that is the risk we decided to take after all.

~ The Project ~ The Formationeers ~ The Dolls ~ The Communique´ ~ The Map ~ Contact ~