The dolls were goin' on road trips ~ workshops to see, artists to commune with and transformations to emerge through.
They needed a voice; the Travel Logs became a means of communicating their daunting experiences.
The Formationeers, too, had moments to share and procedural information to pass along.

  Click on The Essence Doll and each rotation to read their travel logs.
Anya  2nd   3rd

Oma Granny  2nd   3rd

Anaj  2nd   3rd

Jett Setter  2nd  3rd

Nameless  2nd   3rd

Grandpa Joe  2nd  3rd

3rd rotation to Joyce

To Be
(And Gene, like Elvis, has left the building!)
Chapter Three Well, this must be the place. I heard I'd have to sit around for a week or two before the artist here got around to working on my new look. They were right. I sat on the worktable for many long boring hours before she got down to business. And then, after she got started…well I'll never look the same again.

Here's my story.

I was really bored with the newspaper job, and Gene was really getting on my nerves. Anybody that can Moonwalk his entire paper route really needs to get a life or at least get a spot on the David Letterman show. So off Gene went to seek his fortune and I am looking at life from a whole new direction myself.

I've always wanted to be something exciting, something larger than life, so I'm getting some new clothes, getting my hair done and I'm running off to find some adventure! Won't this be exciting? I can hardly wait!

Here goes…
To read about Joyce's artist jots, click here.

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