The dolls were goin' on road trips ~ workshops to see, artists to commune with and transformations to emerge through.
They needed a voice; the Travel Logs became a means of communicating their daunting experiences.
The Formationeers, too, had moments to share and procedural information to pass along.

  Click on The Essence Doll and each rotation to read their travel logs.
Anya  2nd   3rd

Oma Granny  2nd   3rd

Anaj  2nd   3rd

Jett Setter  2nd  3rd

Nameless  2nd   3rd

Grandpa Joe  2nd  3rd

2nd rotation to Jana

Wednesday, June 1, 2005:
Anya arrived at my house today. The first thing I noticed about her was that she arrived in a fetal position. As I unwrapped her, it was as if she were being born. Wow, she's amazing! I sat and played with all her joints, learning how they moved. Steve is right -- her face is masculine. I'll have to give that some thought... She certainly has dancer's thighs though. As I learned in clay, heads are hard! I think hair will help ... something else to think about. This is fascinating.

Saturday, June 4, 2005:
I'm thinking about hair. I took some colored string I had bought as possible hair for my essence doll, and glued strands to a Velcro band (like a headband). We'll see how it looks when it's dry. The string was actually a dog toy. Strands of brightly colored string twisted and knotted at each end. The unraveled strands make fun "hair."

Sunday, June 5, 2005:
I painted Anya's face and hands with white primer. She looks better, I think. When it dried, I drew on some eyes, eyebrows and lips with felt-tip markers. I hope it stays on ... if not, I'll need some paint.

The string hair is pretty wild. I think I'll try some wire hair. I've toyed with the idea of gluing hair -- string or wire -- directly onto Anya's head ... and with the idea of sticking a bunch of little holes in her head and gluing individual strings or wires into each hole. That would probably take more time than I've got. I'm using a wood tray as a stand-in for Anya until I get things figured out. It now has string glued to it and individual "hairs" sticking out of it. Looks pretty bizarre ...

Later Sunday ...
I glued about a billion pieces of hair-width wire onto a Velcro band this afternoon. I'm hoping it will look like hair ...

Still later Sunday ...
The wire is kind of sparse to really look like hair. I think I'll either glue on some more, or go with the string hair. I put the latter on her, and it's fun-looking.

Thursday, June 9, 2005:
Steve wants to deliver Joyce's Mr. Jett Setter in person. That means he might get a peek at Anya while he's here. I hope she's presentable by then. I'm frustrated by the fact that I'm not getting to work on the doll -- or my other art -- this week. Too much going on. I'll be taking a short break and going to Cincinnati for a couple of baseball games this weekend, then I'll probably get to do some doll work on Sunday after we get back.

Sunday, June 12, 2005:
I've been feeling compelled to make Anya a "leotard," so I got up early and painted her one on. I'm using blue interior latex -- one of the paints we're using in our upstairs bathroom. I wanted to leave unpainted diamond shapes so I could make them a different color. I cut small squares from painter's tape and stuck them on before painting. I did the bottom half of her body first and then propped her on her head and back to dry. When the blue dried, I painted the diamond shapes lime green. When that's dry, I'll do her top half. I left her head and hands white. I think she's looking really cool. (I hope Steve thinks so ...)

Monday, June 13, 2005:
I put a first coat of blue on Anya's top half.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005:
I put a second coat of blue on Anya's top half.

Wednesday, June 15:
I painted the lime-green diamond shapes on Anya's upper body. So she's all painted now. I'll let her dry before putting her hair back on.

Thursday, June 16:
I put Anya's hair back on her head, and she looks really cute! Back when I first saw her curled up in her box, she somehow reminded me of a famous painting, but I couldn't think of just what it was. Then I started thinking that she needed to be painted blue. Once I got her all painted, I realized that I had been thinking of Matisse's "Blue Nude IV," a cut-paper depiction of a solid blue woman. Today, I printed out a copy of the artwork from the Internet and posed Anya in a similar position and took their picture.

Friday and Saturday, June 17 and 18:
I straightened up the house and worried about whether Steve would like what I had done to Anya.

Sunday, June 19:
Steve and Sherry drove over from Nicholasville. They really seemed to like what I had done to Anya. Steve wanted to take a picture right away.

He also took one of Anya and her new boyfriend, Gumby.
Gumby usually sits in the rocking chair that Anya has been occupying in the sunroom.
I think they've been fooling around back there.
Steve, Sherry and I went to lunch and visited. We talked about our art and our families and backgrounds. It was really fun. I look forward to meeting all the other dollmakers too.I guess I'm done with Anya now. Between now and mailing time, I'll catch up with writing in her diary and make sure I have all her photos moved to the computer. I've really enjoyed getting to know her and figuring out what I could do for her. Now, it's up to Jeanette to write the next chapter.

To read about Jana's experience, click here.

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