The dolls were goin' on road trips ~ workshops to see, artists to commune with and transformations to emerge through.
They needed a voice; the Travel Logs became a means of communicating their daunting experiences.
The Formationeers, too, had moments to share and procedural information to pass along.

  Click on The Essence Doll and each rotation to read their travel logs.
Anya  2nd   3rd

Oma Granny  2nd   3rd

Anaj  2nd   3rd

Jett Setter  2nd  3rd

Nameless  2nd   3rd

Grandpa Joe  2nd  3rd

2nd rotation to Arlene

Meet Jean/Gene

When Lee Ann brought her doll to me, she said she did not know what it was, a he, or her or what. After studying the doll for awhile I decided to name it Jean/Gene.

Meet Gene. First his face was drawn in.
Meet Jean. First her face was drawn in.

These youngsters are paper delivery people who work for the Daily Planet in Metropolis.

Since the doll works backwards or forwards I could see how this could be. The only problem was the feet. However, after much discussion with the freckled faced Gene he told me he could "moon walk" his paper route. Jean thanked him for his "Ladies first" attitude and we all agreed to move forward in this manner.

Process: I decided to make their clothes from the daily newspaper and created a paper Mache costume. Since I was on a tight schedule with the doll coming in late and me taking off for Spain in the middle of the month, I decided to bake the paper Mache at 170° for 4 hours.

In the meantime, I made their paper sack and their newspapers and did their faces.

The next day I painted and sealed the clothing and decided to put a jacket on the dolls. I made the jacket out of 100% cotton watercolor canvas and painted it with Hydrus watercolor paint and then sealed it.

Here is Gene relaxing on the patio.
Here is Jean relaxing on the patio also.

He is a cocky little fellow with his hat titled over one eye.
Jean wears her hat the same way but that is only for effect. She feels it gives her a little chic ness!

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